Some days are diamonds…
Some Days are Diamonds... And some days are very definitely not. [Picture of large, gorgeous diamond that wouldn't download should be here.] “What the h— are you talking about? That’s a ten carat, VS1, E color diamond worth half a million dollars.” “That’s a very...
"I’d like to give you the whole world on an emerald-studded platter." (Michael to Emma in Ended by Emerald) Gemologist Emma Goldsmith doesn't have an emerald-studded platter, but she always likens looking into the depths of a fine emerald to the weightless freedom of...
Out in the World
Yes, out in the world! Mingling with others! Eating in restaurants! Talking to people! I don’t know if you’ll believe this, but I Went To A Writers’ Conference. In A Different State! This may seem like nothing special to those of you who haven’t been cowering in your...
It’s here again?
OMG and other exclamations of distress. How can it be March already? I mean, really. I just this morning managed to haul myself to the post office to mail a couple of Santa presents to those whose plans to spend Christmas here were derailed at the last minute....
Did You Know…
Did You Know... Happy Valentine’s Day and all the hearts and flowers—and chocolate—your heart desires. Yeah, yeah... In spite of my crabby mood, I have to admit that this isn’t a bad time to take stock of what you value, what you want, and what you’ll give. (Love is a...
Here we go again…
Happy New Year! Starting the year out right, of course, I forgot to get the pictures for this month resized, so here we are with unadorned text. 🙁 But the New Year hullaballoo makes me think: what is it with humans and new starts? Benchmarks on the calendar or in...
And…… 2021 bites the dust
Did you have a good year? Are you planning to have a better 2022? (Aren’t we all?) Lots of hopes and plans? I have those too. But first there’s Christmas. Or Hanukkah. Or Kwanzaa. Or... whatever you choose to celebrate. I hope it’s a very happy time for you. My most...
The holiday season is coming!
Whatever you celebrate, it’s bearing down on us like a train and we can’t get out of the way—even if we want to. Fall has fallen upon us and it's time to get busy oozing kindness and loving our fellow humans. (Also cats, dogs, hamsters, etc.) But who knows, you might...
Who is Michael?
Lieutenant Michael Wyatt, San Jose Police Department. Currently working Homicide, which is very useful since the lady he’s got his eye on—that would be Emma, of course—keeps tripping over dead bodies. He’s a dedicated cop, kind to animals and children, honest and...
Who is JT?
Joseph Tiberius Lincoln burst into Emma’s office and her life like a shooting star. An undercover shooting star. “The man—the young, very young—man bounded up to Gina’s desk, a vision in sartorial confusion. He looked to be in his mid twenties, and definitely was not...