Who is Michael?

Who is Michael?

Lieutenant Michael Wyatt, San Jose Police Department.  Currently working Homicide, which is very useful since the lady he’s got his eye on—that would be Emma, of course—keeps tripping over dead bodies.  He’s a dedicated cop, kind to animals and children, honest and...
Who is JT?

Who is JT?

Joseph Tiberius Lincoln burst into Emma’s office and her life like a shooting star. An undercover shooting star. “The man—the young, very young—man bounded up to Gina’s desk, a vision in sartorial confusion. He looked to be in his mid twenties, and definitely was not...
Who Is Emma?

Who Is Emma?

The State of Things in General Alas, when all the excitement in your life occurs on the computer screen, there’s not a lot to report. One learns to get excited by small pleasures, little events and observations that aren’t going to make headlines, but that sure do...